WHITE CARRARA 023 Still Liv(f)e. The shapes of sculpture

From 17 June to 1 October 2023, the historic centre of Carrara will be the star of the seventh edition of White Carrara.


Until 3 September 2023 on exhibit at the Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome

SUB FINIS TERRAE. Naoya Hatakeyama / Andrea Botto

On exhibit in Bergamo until 24 September 2023, in an unprecedented dialogue between Japan and Italy.

Terna and FOROF: Conversations in the heart of Rome about the Award’s theme

The prestigious setting of Trajan’s Forum hosted a new stage of the Driving Energy Award 2023 roadshow.

Culture is an Enterprise

The third event in the cycle of meetings ‘Culture is an Enterprise’ was held on Monday 15 May. The round table organised by Municipality I of Central Rome

Vincenzo Pagliuca – Monos

On display in Gorizia until 16 June. Mónos is Vincenzo Pagliuca’s project on display at the studiofaganel Gallery from 6 May.

Brera Academy of Fine Arts

The theme of this year’s Award, ‘In praise of balance’, inspired a multi-voiced academic discussion involving many Academy students gathered in the Napoleonic Hall.

Rome, the Locomotive of Italy

Rome, 28 February 2023 – A series of meetings promoted by ‘Il Tempo’ on the many opportunities for Italy that will see the capital play a leading role in the coming years.

The Award and the Academies

The Driving Energy Award aims at revealing new talent for photography in Italy. That is why the Academy Special Commendation was created, dedicated to students from the higher education institutes for art and photography. Discover the roadshow throughout Italy: the Award meets students under the banner of ‘In praise of balance’.

Portraits. Portrait of a Patron

Milan, 23 March 2023, Mia Fair – A series of meetings on the importance of investing in culture with a view to sustainable social development.