Terna and FOROF: Conversations in the heart of Rome about the Award’s theme

Conversations in the heart of Rome about the Award’s theme

On Wednesday 7 June, the Driving Energy Award was hosted by FOROF, a unique Rome-based entity that combines archaeology and contemporary art, history and experimentation. Built on the ruins of the Basilica Ulpia, FOROF offers an innovative cultural proposal for positive and lasting social impact. It was an opportunity for dialogue about the Award’s theme, In Praise of Balance, which is deeply connected to the thousand-year history of the place. The Basilica Ulpia was, in fact, the place where the rite of manumissio took place. Through this ceremony, freedom and rights were granted to slaves, thus bringing a new balance within Roman society.

During the evening, FOROF staff took participants on a guided tour of the Basilica ruins. At the same time, the guests had the opportunity to appreciate the works of the five winners of the Driving Energy Award 2022, and to those who were willing to participate, we asked the question “What does balance mean to you?”, to which they responded through short video interviews.

Thanks to Giovanna Caruso Fendi for her hospitality and for making the event possible.

Thanks to all the FOROF staff and Nicola Zanella for organising.

Lastly, we would like to thank all the participants and those who were willing to share their idea of balance with us through video interviews.