
Formed of researchers and important figures in the world of photography, contemporary art and culture, the Panel will choose the shortlist of finalists and the five winners alongside the Executive Committee and the Curator. The Honorary Committee, formed of the winners of the 2023 Award, will assign the Art Academy Special Commendation.

Executive committee​

Igor De Biasio

Executive Committee

Giuseppina Di Foggia

Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of Terna


Director of the Museo dell’Automobile in Turin. She was the director of Magnum Photos for Continental Europe for three years, then she founded CAMERA - Centro Italiano per la Fotografia and was Advisor to the Minister of Cultural Heritage and Tourism for the enhancement of the national photographic heritage. Currently she is a consultant to Fondazione MAST (Bologna) and Fondazione Querini Stampalia (Venice), as well as an adjunct lecturer at IED in Turin and Vice-President of the Museum of Contemporary Photography (Cinisello Balsamo). She has been part of the Driving Energy Award Panel since its first edition (2022).
Lorenza Bravetta
The granddaughter of Filippo Tommaso Marinetti and daughter of Luce Marinetti is an art critic, curator, cultural entrepreneur and developer of cultural events. She founded the D. d’ARTE association in 2007, and has worked with it for over sixteen years to plan, organise and promote artistic awards, cultural events, exhibitions of painting, photography, modern and contemporary art, installations, theatrical performances, displays of dancing, and interactive and multimedia shows. She writes for numerous art magazines. Since 2005, she has curated her family archives (F.T. Marinetti and Benedetta Cappa) and provided consultancy on Futurism.
Francesca Barbi Marinetti
Curator of the Contemporary and Modern Art Collection of the Vatican Museums since 2000. She has taught Art Literature and Museum Studies at the La Sapienza University in Rome, and her research focuses on the history and criticism of 20th century art, contemporary sacred art, and the conservation of historical and artistic heritage. Since 2011, she has been a Consultant for the Dicastery for Culture and Education. She has acted as curator for international symposia and exhibition projects, including the Vatican Pavilion at the 55th and 56th Venice Biennale of Art (2013 and 2015) and the first Vatican Pavilion at the Biennale of Architecture in 2018..
Micol Forti
An entrepreneur born in Naples, with a degree in Law, she sits on the Board of Directors at MAG Spa, a historic Italian company which has become a leader in insurance brokerage. Thanks to a passion for contemporary art and top craftsmanship, she and her husband Davide de Blasio created the Made in Cloister Foundation in 2014: a cultural project dedicated to architectural redevelopment and urban renewal in the heart of Naples centred around the Renaissance cloister of Santa Caterina a Formiello, which has been restored and transformed into a centre for artistic exhibitions and performances, engaged in dialogue with the local community and offering projects with a strong social impact.
Rosa Alba Impronta
Directors, screenwriters, poets and photographers, Damiano and Fabio D’Innocenzo (born in Rome, 14 July 1988) grew up between the Lazio towns of Anzio and Nettuno, with the family moving as required by their father’s work as a fisherman, developing a passion for painting, photography and poetry. They have received numerous awards for their three films: Boys Cry (2018), Bad Tales (2020) and America Latina (2021). In 2019, they published their poetry collection Mia Madre è un'arma (published by La nave di Teseo), followed by their first book of photography, Night Pharmacy, in 2020 (published by Contrasto). Their TV miniseries Dostoyevsky made its début in the "Berlinale Special" section of the 74th annual Berlin International Film Festival.
Fratelli D’Innocenzo
Chief of External Relations and Institutional Affairs at the Terna Group. He spent over ten years working within various organisations of the United Nations. He has worked across six continents both as an advisor and as the director of innovation digitalisation projects. With a degree in English Literature and Music from Surrey University (Great Britain) and a Master’s in International Relations and Diplomacy, he is co-founder of the company TLNet, established in 2001, through which he has collaborated with the most important Italian and multinational businesses as a lecturer and coach specialising in soft skills.
David Massey


Fotografo, editore, curatore, Presidente dell’Azienda Speciale Palaexpo
Photographer, editor, curator, Chairman of Azienda Speciale Palaexpo He made his début in the world of avant-garde performance in 1984 when he founded the Argot theatre, where many successful Italian actors began their careers. He moved into photography in the 1990s, first producing national and international advertising campaigns, before embarking on his own exploration of aesthetics and narrative. In the years since then, he has founded initiatives in the sector and acted as a cultural manager, artistic director and curator.
Marco Delogu


Coordinator of the conceptualisation and development of the Award since its first edition (2022).
TernaCult is the branch of Terna responsible for conceiving of, producing and managing cultural promotion activities.
Marco Pisciottani

Honorary committee​

Composto dai vincitori
del Premio 2023

Senior Award Winner
Dione Roach
Youth Award Winner
Martina Zanin
Terna’s Highest Voted Work Winner
Lorenzo Pipi
Art Academy Special Commendation Winner
Beatrice Aiello
Amateur Award Winner
Antonio Vacirca